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Grupo Legal Cornejo | Area Migratoria

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Customer-focused, results-driven

immigration law


We have successfully helped hundreds of US citizens and lawful permanent residents sponsor and ultimately obtain lawful permanent residence for their immediate family members.

Contact us today to make an appointment to discuss how we can help you sponsor a close relative to obtain a green card and bring them to the United States permanently through family immigration.

Request an appointment with us
immigration law

checkRemoval Defense
checkFamily-based Immigration
checkTemporary Protected Status

immigration law

Business Immigration

There are many visas that fall under the Business Immigration category, such as Investments, Employee Transfers, Athletics, Nursing, and Technical Workers.
It takes a specialized team to handle these applications, and our attorneys and assistants are here to take care of you. you and your investment. Whether you are trying to obtain an investment visa or a sports visa, we make sure to offer individualized services that help make any transition as easy and simple as possible.

Request an appointment with us
immigration law

checkB1 and B2 visa
checkL Visa for Executives
checkM-1 Student Visa
checkP Visa for Athletes and Artists

You can trust in

The numbers

200+ solved cases

We have a trained professional team, with which we have resolved more than 60 cases.

6 main

Legal Practice Areas, with specialized professionals with experience by area.

5 headquarters

1 main office in Lima and 4 offices in the United States: Woodstock, Dalton, New York and Newnan.

Our clients recommend us

Icono equipo

"They attended to my immigration problem efficiently, quickly and they always kept me informed, they gave me payment facilities, thank you"

Corporación La Colina


"Quality care, with very good results, it was worth the investment since I more than recovered my money since the ruling came out in my favor. Thank you so much."

Ana Panama


"First of all, I thank God for having found Grupo Cornejo. Since I contacted to request an appointment they were very diligent and kind. When I got the interview with Dr. Cornejo he was totally clear, friendly and precise. They are currently handling my case and giving me follow-up information."

Jhesennia Neyra


"Excellent staff of professionals"

Jorge Ibañez

Do you have a question?
Contact us

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Grupo Legal Cornejo | Area Migratoria