APPROVE VERSION 2 OF DIRECTIVE No. 003-2020-SUNAFIL/DINI “Directive on the Verification of Arbitrary Dismissal due to impediment to entry to the Work Center”
The objective of establishing the rules, guidelines and general criteria that contribute to the labor inspection, in order to fulfill its function of verifying arbitrary dismissal due to impediment to entering the workplace, in accordance with the provisions of article 45 of the Regulation of the Employment Promotion Law, approved by Supreme Decree No. 001-96-TR.
The document establishes that an application for verified dismissal can be submitted in person under the Directive of the Labor Complaints Attention Service or Annex 2 of the Regulation that regulates it (Labor Complaints Form); or virtually, through a platform hosted on the Sunafil website known as the “Virtual Complaint”.
It is specified that, on the date of submission, the request will be forwarded to the Inspection Subintendence (SIF) or whoever is in charge of handling their respective complaints.
If the qualification of the submitted application lacks the corresponding requirements, as established by the Directive of the Labor Complaints Attention Service, the corresponding comments and requirements will be formulated at once, and the complaint will be required to correct them within a period of time. maximum of two business days following the corresponding notification, which is detailed.
If you have any inconvenience with your employer, or if as a company, you do not know for which specific cases these regulations apply, we invite you to make your inquiry at 977578507 or
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